Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 Down

179 to go! :) Haha. Wow thats alot. Well first day of HIGH SCHOOL is over. ;) It still doesnt sound right to me... high school O_o

Anywayssss, school was alright. Coulda gone worse, coulda gone better. I only know Peter in my french class, I was sooooooo happy when I found out he was there though, otherwise i knew no one. Choirs fun :) Like the teacher. Mr. Mann haha. French sucks. Geometry, ehhh... Gym, Not my thang :P The halls are ridiculously busy. We come to complete stops at times from being so crowded. And the buss, we all sit either 3 or 4 to a seat. Its insane. But whatever. It was nice just being freshman the first 3 hours. It helped calm the nerves a lil i think. I actually wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. Its a little insane, the whole thing, haha. I feel so little, so short there :/ Whateverrr. Ill learn to live, hah.

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