I hate my teachers. I hate them!!! I cannot wait for this year to be over.
They have no respect whatsoever. NONE. They don't pay attention either.
I'm beginning to think they are all ganging up on me. So far 3 out of 4 teachers have hurt me... through bears. And I know, I'm NEVER going to get away from it... never. It's just that it's still 'fresh' and they know that it bothers me when people talk about them.
In math, we all had to get 'shields' that hide our papers from others when we are taking a test. Of course, I get the shield that says "Bears are cool." Whatever... it's not the teachers fault.
But! Then in social studies we all had to present our power points that we made. One girl did Greece. She had a whole slide on bears... and how Greece does special things to preserve the bears and to keep them around and stuff. And my teacher says "Oh that's cool and so great." I'm sitting there going "HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!" Whatever. I've never been too fond of her. Last week when we were in the computer lab, one kid pulled up a picture of a brown bear and the teacher goes "Oh he's so cute. You just want to take him home in your pocket." and I was RIGHT next to it. I'm like "Why???" Ugh...
That's what it really sad. They have no respect. They are so self-centered. They don't pay attention. It's really bugging me.
See my comments on the previous post--Semper Fi, Kayla!
Two things Kayla,
# 1 - I love The Outsiders, especially when they eat chocolate cake for b-fast, although that might only be in the movie.
# 2 - I agree with my fellow teacher Mr. John Evans on his first post about you teachers - not to stick up for them necessarily, but they probably aren't doing all of that stuff to hurt your feelings.
Being a 7th grade teacher myself, if I had a student who was in your situation, I would want them to let me know what was up, because the LAST thing I would want to do is hurt someone's feelings.
Don't feel bad about talking to them about it, if you just stop by before or after school and mention it I am sure they will be willing to talk to you about it.
Hope that helps,
Cathy Ganz
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