Have you ever been stuck with somebody you REALLY hate? Gosh I cannot stand 14 more days with my teacher. My social studies teacher, to be exact. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO close to yelling at her. I will take the consequence for that, because she deserves it. She is the WORST. So, here's where it begins.
She is only 26. Yeahh. I remember once, not too long ago, my friend said a GREAT line. My english teacher walked in and told us about some klutzy moments my social studies teacher had. But that's not why shes a bad teacher - I will get to that later. But anyways, she tells us. & also, my friend doesnt like her either. And my friend, her name is Angelica, whispers:
"And we are getting our brains from her." I started cracking up!!!
Now, I know Emma knows of her too. I've texted her once or twice about her. The real reason I hate her is because she judges us without knowing us. She only likes preppy girls. Now I'm not saying preps are bad either, its just that ticks me off. It's because she is the cheerleading coach. So, of course, she will like them. Since me and my friends wear skinny jeans and eyeliner (NOT THICK EITHER), she doesnt like us. So whatever. I'm not going to change me for her, especially since I don't like her(:
But she assumes we do everything bad. Like we are bad girls. Well there are 5 of us that we usually hang out with, and 3 of us are in honors classes. Do you think we would be bad?? NOOOOO. & We aren't either. My mom doesn't get that either :P I'm not trying to be mean or point out anyone, but WE DON'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! We get A's in classes, we participate, there is no reason for our teacher to hate us.
Here is an example:
Last week, we had some carnival thing for school. And at the end the teachers had prizes, and we got to pick stuff out with the tickets we recieved at the carnival. Nobody in my friends got pixie sticks. NOBODY. I hate them. But then our social studies teacher comes up to us and says
"You guys need to go pick up your mess over there"
and we are like "What mess? We didn't make a mess"
and she goes "The pixie stick mess. Wasn't that you"
and we are like "NO! we didn't even get pixie sticks"
Then we just walked away.
Apparently somebody ripped open like 5 pixie sticks and dumped them on the floor. And we get blamed for it. I don't see. It makes NO sense. I wanted to scream sooooooooooo loud. We already reported her once, from that time she called us bad influences. We talked to the counselor, Mrs.Peterson, who I have been seeing. And she told the school board of something like that about it. I don't know where that went.
Also, the teacher was laid off over last summer. But they had to bring her back because they were low on teachers. Pretty lame. She was laid off because she was the youngest, and they just had to bring her back. Goshhhh. 14 more days... can I do it without blowing? (:
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