Monday, January 26, 2009

Half way there

Whooah, were half way there
Livin on a prayer
Take my hand and well make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer

The school year is officially half over :D (We're half way there) ;)How amazing is that?! This year has gone extremely fast for me. All the teachers said 8th grade would be like torture slow, but its actually gone really fast. But I know, once we hit like May, it's going to take forever to end. ;)  Like last year, from March to May it went fast, then once you start like counting down the days, it takes forever. Like your sitting in your chair saying "10 days will NEVER end" 
I'm REALLLYYY looking forward to June. I cannot wait to graduate :D AND LEAVE MAHONE FOREVER. I never have to go back, ever ever ever again. I will be free from that horrible place. I have grown such a... deep hate feeling for that school. Hate IS a strong word, thats why I'm using it :) That place is terrible. It's gotten worse every year I've been there. Listen to this. So, NOBODY likes our assistant principal. And she is the one that does everything, our principal is WAY past retirement, and doesn't do anything. You never see him. And nobody likes our assistant principal. You walk past her in the hall and say hi, or Good Morning Mrs.Knight! and she says nothing. She just keeps on walking. How rude?! She does that to everyone. 
Anyways, I think graduation will be great. But what I don't get, they make the 8th graders come back, AFTER WE GRADUATE. And we graduate like a week before the end of school. My mom says they should just get us out. Obviously theres gonna be problems. Seriously. Theres no discipline they can do. What are they gonna do, suspend you? You've already graduated. lol They are just causing issues. It's like they want to get you in trouble, so they can discipline you. Man, my school is a drag.

So obviously, I'm looking forward to high school. I'm utterly terrified, but excited. A new school, new teachers, new people, new classes! Thats what I want. You don't have the boring Math Science English Social Studies. You actually get classes you yourself are interested in. Yay.

Well, thats about it. I just wanted to post. Sooo, peace out. 

1 comment:

John W. Evans said...

My personal feeling is that life continues to get better and better the older you get. High school will be fabulous compared to middle school. Just watch out for the jocks, freaks, geeks, preps, brains, and cheerleaders! :)