Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've made it!

Tomorrow is the last day of first quarter.... amazing right?!  It feels like we just started last week. I have to say, it's gone by alot faster, and better, than expected. I seriously had a bad feeling that this year was going to absolutely suck. But it probably has been my favorite year of middle school.

Today, I got like 200 some points in Social Studies for participating. See, in social studies, you get 3 grades, which average out your grade. Those are your test score, your notes, and participation. And you get points by answering questions, reading, etc... in class. I answered a bunch of questions today, because it was review for our test tomorrow. Our teachers are stressing out trying to get us all caught up, because after tomorrow, missing assignments go to 0 in the grade book. :O uh oh... nah, I have no missing work :)

Eh, that's about it. I'm tired. I'll post sometime this weekend, we got a 4 day weekend. WHOOO. 

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