Monday, September 22, 2008

Whitecaps Crash.

So I'm sure some of you heard about the helicopter crash in Kenosha early Sunday morning... and if you didn't, well there was. ;)  It was only 2 blocks away from our house. It was 5:30 Sunday morning, and a man and his finacee` were coming home from a trip to Indiana. It was REALLY foggy that morning. Like so foggy we couldn't see Shelly's house. But they were coming home, and they couldn't see. And the helicopter flew sideways into a house, splitting it completely in half. The 2 in the helicopter died, but the family in the house managed to get out. Parents were on one side of the house and the 3 kids were on the other side. Somehow avoiding the helicopter. The kids were 2, 6, and 9. And the house the helicopter crashed into is right across the street from the Elementary School, so its kind of scary for those kids. It was on the front page of the newspaper this morning... and it's all over the news. It was on the t.v., on all the news websites. A bunch of news people were driving up and down our street yesterday. Chicago was up, Milwaukee came down, a bunch of other people were here too. It was crazy. Helicopter pieces are all up and down the street, in the neighbors yard... The house has to be torn down, there is NO way to repair it. 
This is the second air crash we've seen in whitecaps since we've lived here... 10 years.  One summer, when I was probably in 2nd or 3rd grade, we were at the Moore's house (our neighbors down the street). And we were in their backyard, having a party with a bunch of other people, and out of nowhere a plane came crashing down into, what was then, the field behind our house. Now it is a bunch of houses, but it was just a mud and grass field. We used to play around back there. Go sledding, run around, play hide and seek, we'd find jewels, bottle caps. It was fun. I remember seeing that plane come down though. It was so frightening. The guy flying the plane lost both arms and both legs, and broke a bunch of ribs and stuff. Scary stuff man. So my dads whole life, living in Waukegan, right by an airport, he never saw any crashes. Now, 10 years living here, not by a big airport, we've seen 2. O_o

Here's some links to some websites about the crash. 

1 comment:

Ali said...

That sounds horrible. And only 2 blocks away from your house!!?!? AAAH! Scary!! I'm glad you're ok though!